Gloucestershire Federation
of Gardening Societies

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Wotton Gardening Club

(Formerly Wotton-under-Edge Horticultural Society)

The club meets at 7.30pm on the first Monday of each month, (except June/July - garden visits & August – holiday!) in The Baptist Church Hall, Rope Walk, Wotton-under-Edge, GL12 7AA.

Visitors Welcome (£4 including tea and biscuits)

For further details, please contact:

Ken Tucker (Chairman)
Telephone: 07813 458 370

or Sue Hunt (Vice Chair)

Ros Davison (Treasurer)

Sue Laing (Show Secretary)

Sue Dunn (Speaker and Visits Secretary)

Our aim is to learn, encourage, and share good gardening practice and to promote knowledge of related topics. We share a passion for nature and beauty, lovely gardens, and growing all types of flowers, shrubs and trees, and vegetables.

There has been a gardening club in Wotton under Edge for over 100 years. Previously known as the Wotton Horticultural Society, we changed our name in 2005 to provide a more user friendly image.

We meet on the first Monday of each month (except August). A varied programme is organised using the best speakers available and visits are arranged in June and July to local gardens, nurseries and places of special interest. Whilst the talks are mostly garden related, we also have occasional talks on some of the most beautiful parts of the world. We also hold a Spring Show and Plant Sale and an Autumn Show and Plant Sale each year.

View/Download our 2025 programme

We keep membership fees as low as possible (£20 for 2025 including tea and coffee at our indoor meetings) and visitors are especially welcome (normally £4 for indoor meetings).

At our indoor meetings, there is a table top competition; members may enter pot plants, cut flowers, garden produce and the like which they have grown or nurtured themselves. We have a raffle with prizes donated by members and plant sales from time to time.

Enquires may be addressed to any of the committee members (see below). Also, members and interested parties can be kept up to date by email. The contact email address is


© 2013: Gloucestershire Federation of Gardening Societies