What is the Guild of Judges?
For many years, the Gloucestershire Federation of Gardening Societies (GFGS) provided a list of people who are willing and able to be Judges for shows arranged by Gardening Clubs and Societies.
In 1998, the Federation decided to extend and improve this important function, by setting up a formal Guild of Judges.
Members of the Guild are happy to give talks on 'Shows & Showing' (A talk to encourage members to enter shows) For further information please email: guildofjudges@gfgs.org.uk
Finding a Judge
The procedure for finding a Judge for your show is to consult the list of judges and for Show Secretaries to contact judges individually.
Please do not all search alphabetically, try reverse or in the middle to spread the load for the judges. Please see information regarding fees before contacting the Judge.
View/Download Judges List.
Would all Show Secretaries please note that from 2021 there is now a recommendation about Judges Fees at all affiliated Club/Society Shows.
There will be a minimum fee of £10.00 plus 45p per mile
This should be agreed BEFORE the Show Secretary makes a booking
However, all Judges can use their discretion in this matter and may still wish to come to their own arrangements with individual Clubs.
The Aims of the GFGS Guild of Judges
- To assist Horticultural Societies and Gardening Clubs in Gloucestershire by providing list of Judges for their shows.
- To maintain standards of judging for existing Judges.
- To ensure that there will be Judges for shows, to take the place of those who have to retire.
The Activities of the GFGS Guild of Judges
As standard guidance for judging at shows organised by gardening clubs and societies, the guild uses the 8th edition (revised 2016) of the Royal Horticultural Society's Show Handbook.
To gain practical experience, trainee judges are encouraged to attend as many shows as possible, in the company of experienced judges.
A number of meetings are held each year on general aspects of judging and also, with the help of specialist judges, on the finer points involved in the judging of particular flowers, plants, fruit and vegetables.
Where practicable meetings include practical involvement, such as judging of exhibits related to the subject of any talk being given. |
Where the club or society that is holding the show is agreeable, judges may be accompanied by trainees who are there to gain experience of the judging process.
It is in the interest of all concerned to be able to have new judges available for future Shows.
All show organisers are reminded that the RHS SHOW HANDBOOK was revised in 2016.
Therefore, to prevent problems on Show Day, it is suggested that Judges are consulted about the show schedule.
Further Information
If you would like further information on the Guild of Judges please email: guildofjudges@gfgs.org.uk